驚見昨天錯過電影"黃金年代"的海報,又讀"梁文道:餓成死物(餓相之一)" 突然好想讀蕭紅,讀張愛玲,魯迅等作家的作品。
蕭紅《生死場》好讀網站 http://www.haodoo.net/?M=book&P=1135
梁文道:餓成死物 http://www.commentshk.com/2014/09/hunger.html
2014年10月23日 星期四
2014年10月19日 星期日
秋賞 Inyo 國家森林
抵達Inyo National Park這個區域之前,我們在途經的二戰時期日本人集中營紀念碑停留Manzanar War Relocation Center,一旁的博物館解說這段歷史。二戰期間,美國國內的日本人不為美國社會所接納,害怕他們是敵方的間諜,政府以保護這群美籍的日本人在美國的安全為由,強迫他們遷居到這個集中營般的社區生活。
許多原本在美國混得很不錯的日本人在大環境極度不安定的狀態下,倉促的拋售了房產住近了極度沒有隱私與擁擠的集中營,在物資貧濟的土地上,她們發揮創意把集中營弄得更像一個家,直到戰爭結束才重返都市生活。儘管並非納粹式的種族屠殺,這個戰時強迫收容所的遺跡也近乎在地表上消失,這段黑暗的歷史沒有被忘記。離開簡陋的收容所,我們重返繼續馳騁在加州的陽光的road trip上,八點從LA出發抵達第一站Bishop city時已經一點了。我與楊在車上吃了前一晚沒機會吃的便當,省了一頓只在Jr.點了一杯可樂窮開心。
抵達Inyo National Park這個區域之前,我們在途經的二戰時期日本人集中營紀念碑停留Manzanar War Relocation Center,一旁的博物館解說這段歷史。二戰期間,美國國內的日本人不為美國社會所接納,害怕他們是敵方的間諜,政府以保護這群美籍的日本人在美國的安全為由,強迫他們遷居到這個集中營般的社區生活。
許多原本在美國混得很不錯的日本人在大環境極度不安定的狀態下,倉促的拋售了房產住近了極度沒有隱私與擁擠的集中營,在物資貧濟的土地上,她們發揮創意把集中營弄得更像一個家,直到戰爭結束才重返都市生活。儘管並非納粹式的種族屠殺,這個戰時強迫收容所的遺跡也近乎在地表上消失,這段黑暗的歷史沒有被忘記。離開簡陋的收容所,我們重返繼續馳騁在加州的陽光的road trip上,八點從LA出發抵達第一站Bishop city時已經一點了。我與楊在車上吃了前一晚沒機會吃的便當,省了一頓只在Jr.點了一杯可樂窮開心。
2014年10月17日 星期五
2014年10月16日 星期四
A place I want to live in
Weeks ago, me and my husband was still living in the southern Bay area. We took a night walk in the seemingly safe residential area. Suddenly when a car made a turn into the street we were on and pulled over for a street parking space a few steps before us, both of us later confirmed with each other that a thought fleshed through our mind, a thought that a person may came out from the car with a gun and start shooting at us. What a scary thing to have imagined.
World Cafe, friend of my own
Today I finally get myself to attend the World Cafe event hosted by the Dashew center, ie. the international student center of UCLA. Even before I got myself a first cup of coffee, I met someone that clicked! Though arriving late, we chatted even after the event ended and promise we'll definitely hangout sometime.
After coming here for ten month now, most of the people I know are of my husband's friend, who are mainly engineers. With no negative feeling or prejudice about engineers, as my husband is one of them, I feel they see me as "the wife of xx", instead of an individual person. This is a new feeling to me. Although me and my husband dated for almost 10 years, we were in a long distance relationship and did not have much common friends.
Over the years, we tried to visit each other and get to know each others' friends. However, it's difficult to become friends with them as we'll have very weak link to stay connected. Still, it is an interesting experience when I finally meet his friends after hearing stories about the parties and outings they have been out together. Though the stories he told me, I often try to imagine how they look like based on the personality, the then my boyfriend, had described. After finally being able to meet them, I often said to my husband, "oh, he looks nothing like what I have imagined". My husband would laughed and teased me thinking, so how "should" he/she look like. Ha, yes, how should he look like what I had imagined him to be?
---photo from Dashew website---
After coming here for ten month now, most of the people I know are of my husband's friend, who are mainly engineers. With no negative feeling or prejudice about engineers, as my husband is one of them, I feel they see me as "the wife of xx", instead of an individual person. This is a new feeling to me. Although me and my husband dated for almost 10 years, we were in a long distance relationship and did not have much common friends.
Over the years, we tried to visit each other and get to know each others' friends. However, it's difficult to become friends with them as we'll have very weak link to stay connected. Still, it is an interesting experience when I finally meet his friends after hearing stories about the parties and outings they have been out together. Though the stories he told me, I often try to imagine how they look like based on the personality, the then my boyfriend, had described. After finally being able to meet them, I often said to my husband, "oh, he looks nothing like what I have imagined". My husband would laughed and teased me thinking, so how "should" he/she look like. Ha, yes, how should he look like what I had imagined him to be?
2014年10月9日 星期四
FRONTLINE "Hunting Nightmare Bacteria"
For a very long time, I have considered that virus is much more deadly to get in contact with as compared to bacteria, or say bugs. Such understanding perhaps steam from the fact that we have antibiotics to fight against bacteria, but not for virus. Virus, such as HIV seems to be incurable and deadly. From the Frontline "Hunting Nightmare Bacteria" report, I came to acknowledge that this is not the case. Even though human have learn to develop all sorts of antibiotics, the battle with bacteria did not come to an end. Actually, we had entered a different battle field where we face a rise of superbugs that modern antibiotics are powerless to stop. In Frontline's report, they followed 2 young people who desperately fought the battle to survive infection in the USA.
The report also reveal a striking trend that many drugs companies have abandoned investing in developing new antibiotics, for simple economic reason. These drug companies are responsible for their investors not for the health of the population. So, should it have been the government's responsibility to invest in the development of the drugs? Government officials in the interview clearly shows the lack of dedicated institution dealing with this problem and the issue is way down in the 70th of the public health concerns. As individuals, I feel venerable knowing how little the government is prepared for such epidemic.
The report also reveal a striking trend that many drugs companies have abandoned investing in developing new antibiotics, for simple economic reason. These drug companies are responsible for their investors not for the health of the population. So, should it have been the government's responsibility to invest in the development of the drugs? Government officials in the interview clearly shows the lack of dedicated institution dealing with this problem and the issue is way down in the 70th of the public health concerns. As individuals, I feel venerable knowing how little the government is prepared for such epidemic.
2014年10月6日 星期一
10件事, 讓你變得更聰明一點
1. 聰明的利用你上網時間 (不要只上臉書, 看看有意義的資訊:course/TED)
2. 寫下你學到的東西 (寫一篇400字的短文紀錄下來)
3. 列一份 "已完成" 清單 (建立自信與快樂是智慧重要來源!)
4. 完益智的桌遊
5. 結交聰明的朋友
6. 閱讀!
7. 解釋給別人聽
8. randomly學一些新東西
9. 學一個新的語言
10. 給自己一點安靜的時間靜思(運動時/搭公車時)
source: http://time.com/3032117/get-smarter-every-day/
1. 聰明的利用你上網時間 (不要只上臉書, 看看有意義的資訊:course/TED)
2. 寫下你學到的東西 (寫一篇400字的短文紀錄下來)
3. 列一份 "已完成" 清單 (建立自信與快樂是智慧重要來源!)
4. 完益智的桌遊
5. 結交聰明的朋友
6. 閱讀!
7. 解釋給別人聽
8. randomly學一些新東西
9. 學一個新的語言
10. 給自己一點安靜的時間靜思(運動時/搭公車時)
source: http://time.com/3032117/get-smarter-every-day/
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