2014年2月9日 星期日

New Bread Machine

嗶嗶嗶嗶, 如同警告太好吃勿近的警示一樣

剛出爐的麵包時在太誘人, 一下便被吃了一半!
但與貝貝一起享受這樣的罪惡又是另一番樂趣 :)

~  ~ ~

The beeping sound coming from the new bread machine echoed though the rather empty apartment. Without hesitation, we made the first toast on the day the machine arrived upon our door step. Despite after finishing a full dinner meal, we can't resist imagining the happiness this machine can bring us.

We patiently waited for three hours before the exciting beeping sound finally alarmed at ten to eleven. Not yet having a bread knife at home, we dig into it the barbarian way. It was amazingly delicious! The crust was perfect and the inner texture was warm and moist. We were super pleased with our investment and can't wait to explore other innovative recipes

2014年2月4日 星期二


半日在Los Angeles downtown的隨意走走逛逛,我們來到Japanese town吃拉麵。一如很多國際大城市,LA的美食選擇似乎評價非常不錯,前提是:你要願意開車!

今天地陪小孔所選的餐廳是聽說頗為有名的--大黑家. 由於我們抵達的時間稍稍早, 又是平日, 小等一會兒就有坐位了, 聽說平常可是大排長龍呢 (確實在我們尚未入坐前外頭等待的就多起來了).

入坐後我們快速的點餐, 選擇招牌的豚骨拉麵, 說來我平時在台灣因為沒有特愛吃拉麵因此也不常吃, 因此不知道這家的名氣. 上桌後熱騰騰的拉麵配上青蔥, 湯頭的香氣十足. 喝了第一口我就喜歡了. 這樣的吃法大約很外行, 一般好像說吃拉麵是不喝湯的, 不過我就愛喝湯, 直接喝雖然稍鹹, 但是搭著麵條小啜一些濃郁的美味真是不錯!

~DAIKOKUYA Ramen (豚骨醬油味) Regular $8.5 ~

從這次後我就對拉麵有不錯的好感了. 往後還想多嚐嚐LA這兒的美食, 特別是拉麵!

餐廳資訊: 大黑家 DAIKOKUYA Ramen
     Address: 327 E 1st Street, Los Angeles, CA 90012
     Phone: 213 626 1680
     Price: $$