Without much experience in job search, as a newly graduate, I have migrated to a new country to explore my options....
Surely it was quite late in any sense not having started landing oneself on a new job before graduating, not to mentioned that I have always been a person who make plans for all options ahead of me. The truth is, too much has been going on then, and I decided to focus on making sure the greatest events in my life can be perform to perfection. All this happened within the later half of 2013, of which I obtained my doctoral degree and got married. In addition, I got myself a job to work as a consultant between the few month I submitted my thesis and defending it.
So, while being on the new job, I had to arrange the wedding reception as well as finding my perfect dress.To add to the craziness, all this seems to requires me to have a double act, as the job was in Philippine, the defense was in Netherlands, and the wedding reception was in Taiwan. Within the 4 month all this was accomplished, I traveled from tropics to sub-tropics and to the temperate zone, experiencing the most dramatic and fulfilling few months in my life.
In the end, I delivered a blog and a project paper for the consulting job at the end of November; perform a highly praised defense on December 9; had a sweet and warm engagement reception in mid December and a splendid wedding ceremony / reception at the end of December. Perhaps after all this, I do have the right to grant myself a break and enjoy the new life with my husband.
Now knowing how much will I enjoy California or LA in particular, I surely will look for the similarity I may have forgotten from childhood, that is hm...20 years ago.... Days of sunshine was true as everyone had endorsed. Away from the gloomy Dutch sky, here, I started my new life.
Now knowing how much will I enjoy California or LA in particular, I surely will look for the similarity I may have forgotten from childhood, that is hm...20 years ago.... Days of sunshine was true as everyone had endorsed. Away from the gloomy Dutch sky, here, I started my new life.